Friday, September 21, 2012

9/19/2012 assiment.

1. The First Amendment includes: No law can be passed respecting an establishment of religion Free excercise of Religion Freedom of Speech Right to Peaceful Petition Freedom of Press 2. It is hard to say exactly how much privacy we have with technology in the 21st century because everything we search everybody we contact and everywhere we go is recorded. 3. The Patriot Act is a law stating that the government without your permission, listen in on phone calls read emails and messages sent to others. 4. The patriot act of october 2001 is an acronym USA PATRIOT that stands for uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act. 5. I do in a way think that the patriot Act does indeed violate the first amendment in a couple different ways but I also think its necessary.

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