Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/2012 bellringer

Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/2012 bellringer

i think its dumb to sell your name cause some one else is given you there name an it might be against somethings you never know but if i could sell my name for 4500 i would cause everyone you know is still ganna think your the same ol person a name is not going to change a persons looks an actions

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/2012 bellringer

i think it is mest up how they cut people from the military for being over weight. its not right an i think its razem an you ask me the over weight people can do just as much you look at it if they give a gun that kicks real bad to a lil guy he is ganna miss an get rocked you give it to a heavey guy he woldnt get rocked as bad right?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/2012 bellringer

i think that the gas exposion is crazy idk how it would had blew up but it was amazing how no one got killed in the fire but one a few ingerys

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11/12 bellringer

the fiscal cliff might pass cause heck everything else obama want passes almost so i dont see why this wolnt

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/10/2012 bellringer

well the boys that tried to rob that young laddy is crazy i cant belive that the cops just put the kids back into the parents cusity because they were so young i think they should be setting in a juvinail place

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/6/2012 bellringer

well i really dont car for the ecomany cause obama is runing this hole thing what we need is a good old president like bush again an the mines need to stay runing america runs off coal obamma is runing this world more like wv any how he needs to get get out an he did nothing the first four years an now he wants to do something in dose not matter

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/2012 bellringer

i think its not right to have women in the war an if they want to be then thats okay but drafting them thats not right an when talk about taken them out then there is alot more men/fathers going to die as well i do not like how do this war thing its dumb

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/2012 bellringer

its about a senator has to do these days is phone over to the Capitol and threaten a filibuste which can start a time killing procedure that takes 60 votes to shut down but they say but dont go to war over it its kinda funny but the artical is kinda confusing to read also

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/3/2012 bellringer

increasing school time is not going to make any kids any smarter i think its so dumb that they would do that i think that if they did that wv they would alot more people dropping out of school